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Workshop program

Below is the schedule of activities for the workshop. You can also download the PDF for full details.

Monday, 16 September 2024
08:30Welcome and Registration – 1h0′
09:30What’s the hype about non-Hermitian systems? A personal tour from the search for topological states to the soul of quantum mechanics – 1h0′
Luis E. F. Foa Torres (FCFM, Universidad de Chile)
10:30Coffee break – 30′
11:00Electronic selectivity in chiral-modified molecular junctions – 1h0′
Jose Eduardo Barrios Vargas (UNAM, Mexico)
12:00Space-dependent light-matter coupling: Crafting a network of Floquet states by tilted irradiation – 30′
Matías Berdakin (INFIQC-CONICET & FCQ-UNC, Argentina)
12:30Lunch break / discussions – 2h0′
14:30Chemical Self-Assembly Strategies for Designing Molecular Switches and Electronic Circuits – 1h0′
Wilfred T. Tysoe (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)
15:30Coffee break / discussions – 1h0′
16:30Topological transition to a “non-Landau” Fermi liquid phase in a two-channel spin-1 anisotropic Kondo model and its experimental relevance – 1h0′
Armando A. Aligia (INN, CAB-CNEA/CONICET, Argentina)
17:30Breaking Ultrathin Ionic Wires at LNNano – 1h0′
Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz (UFRJ, Brazil)
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
09:00109 RAFA morning activities
14:30Emergent phenomena at oxides surface and interfaces – 1h0′
Laura B. Steren (INN-CNEA/CONICET, Argentina)
15:30Coffee break / discussions – 1h0′
16:30Superconducting circuits: From photon generation to universal quantum gates – 1h0′
Fernando C. Lombardo (FCEyN-UBA, Argentina)
17:30109 RAFA poster session – 1h30′
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
09:00Modeling the electron spin resonance spectrum in scanning tunneling microscopy – 1h0′
Christian R. Ast (MPI for Solid State Research, Germany)
10:00Nanostructured pumped-corner state in a kagome lattice – 30′
Jazmín Tapia-de-la-Rosa (UNAM, Mexico)
10:30Coffee break – 30′
11:00Engineering and characterizing quantum spin liquids in magnetic van der Waals materials – 1h0′
Guangze Chen (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
12:00Nonlinearity-aided Riemann surface engineering near Exceptional Points for self-calibrated noise-resilient sensing – 30′
Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar (IMIT-CONICET & UNNE, Argentina)
12:30Lunch break / discussions – 2h0′
14:30Tuning the magnetic response of engineered nanoparticles with core/shell structure – 1h0′
Elin L. Winkler (INN, CAB-CNEA/CONICET, Argentina)
15:30Round Table: IUVSTA’s promotion of science education, techniques, and applications in Latin America – 2h0′
María C. Asensio, Pedro A. P. Nascente, Miguel D. Sánchez, Alejandro Ferrón
17:30109 RAFA Poster session & discussions with coffee/tea and drinks – 1h30′
Thursday, 19 September 2024
09:00Ti-based alloy coatings produced by magnetron sputtering for biomedical applications – 1h0′
Pedro A. P. Nascente (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil)
10:00Shortcuts to adiabaticity strategies in quantum-dot chains and other nanometric systems: Towards efficient quantum computing applications – 30′
María Estefanía Rus (IMIT-CONICET & UNNE, Argentina)
10:30Coffee break – 30′
11:00Nanographenes as building blocks for exotic electronic states – 1h0′
Joaquín Fernández-Rossier (INL Braga, Portugal)
12:00Optical kinetic theory of nonlinear multi-mode photonic networks – 30′
Alba Y. Ramos (IMIT-CONICET & UNNE, Argentina)
12:30Lunch break / discussions – 2h0′
14:30Spin-orbit torque for ultraefficient nonvolatile memories – 1h0′
Jose Hugo Garcia (ICN2, Spain)
15:30Coffee break / discussions – 1h0′
16:30Decoherence and emergent phenomena in quantum dynamical transport – 1h0′
Horacio M. Pastawski (IFEG-CONICET & FaMAF-UNC, Argentina)
17:30109 RAFA poster session – 1h30′
Friday, 20 September 2024
09:00Electronic imaging and Nano-ARPES: An innovative and powerful tool to characterize Low Dimensional materials – 1h0′
María C. Asensio (ICMM Madrid & ICMUV-Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
10:00Universal stability of coherently diffusive 1D systems with respect to decoherence – 30′
Fabricio S. Lozano-Negro (IFEG-CONICET & FaMAF-UNC, Argentina)
10:30Coffee break – 30′
11:002D metal halide perovskites: from fundamentals to application as photodevices – 1h0′
Juan P. Martínez-Pastor (ICMUV, Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
12:00Quantum entropies of realistic states of a topological insulator – 30′
Nicolás Legnazzi (IFEG-CONICET & FaMAF-UNC, Argentina)
12:30Final remarks / closing – 15′